Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cycle day 40

I have made it to the big 4-0! I am so proud of myself! I had another check this morning and the ultrasound tech said that I still was not ready to go to retrieval. I was so upset. Cried all morning. I have been having a lot of pain the last couple of days in my belly. Just a lot of pressure, but every time I move it feels very uncomfortable. I really thought that I was there and that I had finally made it! Then when the tech told me it did not look like I was ready yet. I just lost it.  Anyways, I came home and rested most of the day in bed and when I checked my voicemail from my nurse I was shocked to find out that it really was time! She told me to take my trigger shot (MY LAST SHOT!!!!!!!!!) and I would be ready for my retrieval on friday. I could not believe it! So I started making the round of calls to let Michael and my Mom know what was going on. Just talking about it makes butterflies in my stomach. So here I am 36 hours away. Please pray for me that all goes well with no complications and we have lots of perfect little eggies!

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