Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cycle day 36

Michael and I thought it would be a fun to count up how many shots I have taken to this point. The grand totally was 32! I can not believe that I have taken 32 shot in the past few weeks. I have to say I am pretty proud of myself because I never thought I would ever make it this far and now we are in the home stretch. 

I went back to the doctor on Friday and I did not get the best news. My blood level was 476 which was up from the 103 from the last visit. However, I still do not have any eggs big enough for retrieval. I was very sad and upset. I left very discouraged. I had to regroup my thoughts and put it all into perspective. I have only been taking the medication to make my eggs grow for only about 7 days. I don't need to rush this. I want beautiful healthy eggs and if that takes a little longer than so be it. I can do it!

I go back on Monday and I am praying for good news. I really need it right now. I am starting to feel a little pain and cramping in my sides, so that is actually a good sign that the eggs are hopefully growing. For now I am just trying to stay strong and stress as little as possible.

On another note, my birthday was great! Michael got me a new Blackberry phone! I love it! It's pink and so cute. I am still learning how it use it. It's my first blackberry!

If you are reading this please keep me in your prayers. I need all I can get right now!

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