Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Almost there

I have been feeling awful! I have had some swelling in my belly and have been very sore. I was told that for the most part this was normal. However, it sucks! Ever since my egg retrieval last Friday I have not been feeling so great. I was finally able to get out of the house for a while on Sunday. Michael and I had a lot of fun. Anything was better than being home anymore. Anyways, I was able to go back to work yesterday and today. It has been tough but I have been trying to be strong. 

We are very excited that tomorrow is our embryo transfer day! We have 13 beautiful embryos growing and tomorrow two of them will finally be put back were they belong. I just hope and pray everything works out of. After that I will be on bed rest for the rest of the week. Right now that sounds great, but I am sure by Thursday I will be feeling much differently. I guess we will just have to wait and see!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Retrieval Day

Today was one of the days we have been waiting for. Today I finally had my eggs retrieved! I was so scared (even with a Valium). Luckly when I got there I did not have to wait long to get called back. The nurses were so sweet and did a great job trying to calm my fears. (although it really did not work) they quickly gave me an  IV so that they could calm me down. I was wheeled back to the operation room and had to move to a different bed. I remember nothing after this until the nurse came and told me to wake up because it was all over. I had a little bit of stomach soreness but nothing unbearable. They were so great at doing anything needed to keep me comfortable. The best news is that they got 21 eggs! We were so excited!
The car ride home seemed like it would take forever! I finally made it to my bed and I was out! I slept the whole day away. But when I woke up, I was so hungry, I think I could have eaten a whole cow! I had soup from Demos (MMMMMM) and some ice cream instead. Don't you just love it when you are not feeling well and you can eat ice cream and not feel guilty about it. What a plus.
Tonight has been pretty uneventful. Just laying around and taking all the medication that they prescribed to me. I think that is really helping with the mild pain. I have to drink lots of Gatorade and eat lots of protein. This is supposed to help prevent a complication called OHSS. Basically it happens after retrieval when your ovaries are still very swollen and estrogen levels are also elevated(which mine are). It can cause fluid to build up in my belly and would have to be drained off with a needle. I am really hoping and praying I will be spared this awful side effect. I just keep praying for god to take care of me. He has blessed me more than I can put into words. 
Tomorrow I have to check my voicemail to see how many eggs were healthy and able to be fertilized. Then we go back next wednesday to have two of our embie babies put back in! I pray all goes well and my little embie babies get an good nights rest. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cycle day 40

I have made it to the big 4-0! I am so proud of myself! I had another check this morning and the ultrasound tech said that I still was not ready to go to retrieval. I was so upset. Cried all morning. I have been having a lot of pain the last couple of days in my belly. Just a lot of pressure, but every time I move it feels very uncomfortable. I really thought that I was there and that I had finally made it! Then when the tech told me it did not look like I was ready yet. I just lost it.  Anyways, I came home and rested most of the day in bed and when I checked my voicemail from my nurse I was shocked to find out that it really was time! She told me to take my trigger shot (MY LAST SHOT!!!!!!!!!) and I would be ready for my retrieval on friday. I could not believe it! So I started making the round of calls to let Michael and my Mom know what was going on. Just talking about it makes butterflies in my stomach. So here I am 36 hours away. Please pray for me that all goes well with no complications and we have lots of perfect little eggies!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cycle day 36

Michael and I thought it would be a fun to count up how many shots I have taken to this point. The grand totally was 32! I can not believe that I have taken 32 shot in the past few weeks. I have to say I am pretty proud of myself because I never thought I would ever make it this far and now we are in the home stretch. 

I went back to the doctor on Friday and I did not get the best news. My blood level was 476 which was up from the 103 from the last visit. However, I still do not have any eggs big enough for retrieval. I was very sad and upset. I left very discouraged. I had to regroup my thoughts and put it all into perspective. I have only been taking the medication to make my eggs grow for only about 7 days. I don't need to rush this. I want beautiful healthy eggs and if that takes a little longer than so be it. I can do it!

I go back on Monday and I am praying for good news. I really need it right now. I am starting to feel a little pain and cramping in my sides, so that is actually a good sign that the eggs are hopefully growing. For now I am just trying to stay strong and stress as little as possible.

On another note, my birthday was great! Michael got me a new Blackberry phone! I love it! It's pink and so cute. I am still learning how it use it. It's my first blackberry!

If you are reading this please keep me in your prayers. I need all I can get right now!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cycle day 33

I am really starting to feel like I am on this crazy roller coaster, and no matter how much I want to get off before the next major high or low, I can't. Not yet anyways. My last visit to the doctor was great! They had nothing but great news for me. Then I had to go back yesterday so they could check my blood levels and do an ultrasound to see how well my little eggs are growing. Well, they were not growing as well as they thought they would by now. So they had to up my dosage of medication. I was very upset! Now I have to take 5 units of Lupron in the morning along with 150 units of the Bravelle (FSH). Then at night I have to take another 150 units of the Bravelle. It sucks! I am trying hard to stay strong, but it is very hard! I go back on Friday and I am hoping that they will give me better news than they did yesterday.

I am happy to say that tomorrow I will officially be 29 years old! I love birthdays! I love that you have a day that you can call yours. Its just fun to me. Anyways, we just go back from Demos celebrating a little early. I got to open my gifts from my parents. They got me a Monogrammed bracelet and a really cute max studio dress. I love it! I am going to wear it tomorrow to school! It will be my birthday dress! Now about that wish.... mmm.... can anyone guess what I will be wishing for? 

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cycle day 31

I have started feeling a little crampy today. I hope that is a good sign. My shot went a little better last night, but I do want to stress little! Michael got a great idea to take some ice packs that we have to kinda numb the spot before the shot. I do think it helped. I just count down every time I have to take one. Hopefully only about 4 or 5 more to go! 

Michael has been so wonderful throughout the whole process. I could not ask for a better husband! I know I could not have made it this far without him. 

I go back to the doctor tomorrow for another ultrasound and blood work. I am very excited to see how far I have progressed in the past 3 days. Everything seems to be going so fast. I can hardly believe that I only have about 6 more days until my egg retrieval! 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cycle day 30

I feel like the days are going by so fast I can't keep up! I can hardly believe that I am already on cycle day 30. I went to a doctor's appointment on Friday, and it went great. They were very positive on the outcome of this whole process and actually put me on a higher dose of folic acid because I am so highly at risk of twins! Crazy huh? I think I really needed that boost of confidence because I have been really down about it all lately. Thinking very negatively. Not the best attitude to have right now. 

After my appointment they gave me a voice mailbox so that I can check messages on what meds I need to take and when. I was able to check it Friday afternoon and sure enough the time has come that I have to start taking my FSH medication. This shot will make my body produce as many eggs as it can. This is the last stage before I have my eggs retrieved. I have to admit, I took the first one last night and it was BAD! Michael did the best he could but it hurt! I screamed and cried! I pray it gets easier. I really want to be strong, but I just don't do well with all these shots.

On a brighter note, My birthday is 5 days away! Michael and I are redecorating our master bedroom for my birthday. I thought it would be a good idea since I am going to be spending so much time there soon. I will post pictures when we get it all finished!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayer! Only 9 more days to go!!!!!