Monday, October 11, 2010

Just trying to catch up!

I have been thinking for weeks now about something good to blog about, and I am sure there have been many things in that time that were blog worthy, but I often would forget about them by the time I was able to sit down at my computer long enough to blog until tonight! I just realized what was top of the list. TIME MANAGEMENT!

When I was pregnant with Jacob I dreamed that I would be able to stay at home with him once he was born. I often dreamed about how clean I would be able to keep my house and have everything organized and immaculate. Thankfully, I was able to stay home, but my fairytale as a homemaker was just that, a fairytale!

I look at my days and wonder, where has the time gone? I have such big hopes of what I might be able to get done and I always fall short of those goals! Mainly because on any given day I have no idea what I may be called to do by my parents (I help them when needed at our family business) or my husband.  This adds to the difficulty of trying to keep Jacob on as consistent a schedule as possible.

I have come to realize that I need to be more creative on how to manage my time so everything gets done that needs to be done and I feel more productive as a stay at home mom. I do tend to wander from one thing to another as I get called away or care for my baby boy. I know all moms out there will attest to the juggling act of being a parent. So now I have to learn this skill for myself. It aint easy and it don't come natural! At least not for me. Not sure what strategy will work best for me just yet, but I would greatly appreciate any suggestions anyone has that maybe has worked for you.

I think for tomorrow, I will make a list of things I would like to get done and scratch them off as they get accomplished. This worked for me great when I worked as a teacher so maybe it will work well here at home too! Also, I have to stop with all the projects! I love decorating and creating things. I have so many unfinished projects right now it is sad! So, I am putting myself on project probation, at least until I get all the unfinished ones done first. 

Finally, for whoever is reading this, thanks for listening, or reading I guess I should say,  to all my babble. I plan to write about more exciting things very soon. Sometimes it's just good to get what's bothering you off your chest and out on paper to make ya feel a little better.

Bye for now!

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