It has been over a year since my last post and a lot has happened! Here is the short story to catch everyone up.
First, after what seemed like the longest pregnancy ever! haha I finally gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy! Jacob Matthew.
I know too cute right! He has been such a blessing. I never could have imagined how much I could love someone until he was born. That is not to say it has not been the hardest thing I have ever done.
Not long after bringing Jacob home from the hospital we found out that he was dealing with colic. If you have never had a child with this consider yourself VERY luck! If you have, then you know what I mean when I say, I did not think I was going to make it! For the first three months of Jacob's life it was constant crying! Accept for when he went to bed at night, I was lucky enough to have a good sleeper. I think I cried as much as he did during the day! I thought I was a horrible mother for being so frustrated with him. Michael would no more that walk through the door and I would hand Jacob over to him just to get a quick break. We had to switch to a very expensive formula, which did help a little, but it was just hard to enjoy by beautiful baby that I have been longing for for so long. Finally, at three months it all went away and a new baby emerged! It was a wonderful relief for me!
Now he is 7 1/2 months old and I just now feel like I am figuring it all out. I knew being a mom would be hard, but not until I became one did I know how hard. Not to mention the fact that I have chosen to stay home with him, that has opened up its own challenges. I have had to learn how to be more creative, manage my time more effectively, and most importantly how to stretch a dollar to its max. Although I must admit, I am still working on the last one!
One of the reasons I decided to start this blog back up again was beacuse I wanted to share what I learn or create with others. I hope I can be helpful to others and make some new friends along the way.
So with that said, I AM BACK! and better than ever. Keep in touch!